Backlights are a unique advertising and marketing tool placed on buildings in city centers, and beside main roads. Attractive and expressive decorations which catch commuter and pedestrian attention with backlighting effect.
Backlights are a unique advertising and marketing tool placed on buildings in city centers, and beside main roads. Attractive and expressive decorations which catch commuter and pedestrian attention with backlighting effect.
787 × 840 cm
13543787 × 840 cm
13542787 × 840 cm
13541outdoor backlight 1239 × 519 cm
2620outdoor backlight 356 × 252 cm
2621indoor backlight 995 × 397 cm
2623outdoor backlight 356 × 252 cm
2622indoor backlight 55.5 × 55.5 cm
2624indoor backlight 1080 × 500 cm